Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 11

Nursing - Essay Example It provides the anticipated levels of education that nurses in the country should conform to. This is clearly spelt out in recommendations 4, 5 and 6. In order to ensure that I align myself with these recommendations, I will endeavor to earn my degree in the next two years. A degree forms the foundation of the advancement in career to the higher levels. After the degree, I look forward to a work experience of between three and five years. After this, I will go for the master’s degree. I strongly belief that there is need to balance between work experience and level of study. Upon completion of the Master’s, then I will get in for PhD in the next one or two years. Increasing the level of education will have far-reaching implications towards becoming a proficient nurse. The essence of gaining some experience in practice of nursing is geared towards providing a broad understanding of the profession. Theory and practice have many differences, of which I endeavor to explore. Education is very important because it will help me to explore the experience that I will have met in practice. This is the reason I am convinced that education and practice should go hand in hand; this is because they are complementary in nature. Education will also open me to new ideas and techniques that were not fully explored at the Bachelor’s level. Additionally, further education will open my mind in order to engage in research that will help promote nursing profession. My role in nursing will be facilitated by higher education. At the beginning of my career as a junior nurse, I will have the basic nursing tasks to conduct. With additional experience and higher education, my roles will have to change, for example, I will endeavor to specialize in research. Therefore, at the beginning I will have to work under a known researcher but later on will develop projects of my own. Having completed my master’s and PhD, engaging in research

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